Life is insecure, and there is no ground to it - it is groundless.

Life is insecure, and there is no ground to it - it is groundless.

In the very asking, you create the problem: when you ask for security, you become insecure. The more you ask, the more insecure you will be, because insecurity is the very nature of life. If you don't ask for security then you will never be worried by the insecurity. As trees are green, life is insecure.

If you start asking that trees should be white then there are problems. The problem is created by you, not by the trees; they are green. And you ask them to be white They cannot do it, they cannot perform in that way.

Life is insecure, love is insecure. We are in emptiness, in tremendous nothingness. And it is good that it is so, otherwise we would be dead. Life can be a security only if you are dead; then everything can be certain.

Underneath a rock there is ground. Underneath a flower there is none; the flower is insecure. A small breeze and the flower may disperse, the petals may fall and disappear. It is a miracle that the flower is there. Life is a miracle - because there is no reason for it to be. It is simply a miracle that you are, otherwise there is every reason for you not to be.

Maturity comes to you only when you accept this. And not only accept; you start rejoicing in it.

Life is insecure - that means life is free If there is security then there will be bondage; if everything is certain then there will be no freedom. If tomorrow is fixed then there can be security, but you have no freedom. Then you are just like a robot. You have to fulfill certain things that are already predestined.

But tomorrow is beautiful because tomorrow is total freedom. Nobody knows what is going to happen; whether you will be breathing, whether you will be alive at all - nobody knows. Hence there is beauty, because everything is in a chaos, a challenge, and everything is existing as a possibility.

Don't ask for consolations. If you go on asking, you will remain insecure. Accept insecurity. Then insecurity disappears and you are no longer insecure. It is not a paradox - it is a simple truth; paradoxical, but absolutely true. Up to now you have existed, so why be worried about tomorrow? If you could exist today, if you could exist yesterday, tomorrow will take care of itself too.

Don't think of the morrow, and move freely.

Just having the understanding, immediately you feel at ease. But that ease is not that of security, that ease is not that of death, that ease is not of the grave. That ease has tremendous chaos in it, but it is still ease, because you are not asking for more so there is no tension. A chaos at ease - that's how a man should be. When you carry a revolution within you, every moment brings a new world, a new life... every moment becomes a new birth.

You are unnecessarily creating trouble for yourself. You can go on creating it if you like, but one day or other you will have to realise the fact that it is you who is creating the trouble, not life.

Just try not to ask for security. For three weeks live in total insecurity - and enjoy it. Your worries and your demands about security and certainty are creating barriers so that you cannot have contact, you cannot flow. So drop all that, and for three weeks try a life of insecurity.

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