Meditation is to be the harmony.
Man has lost himself because he has lost this harmony. He is in conflict; he is pulled apart in different directions simultaneously. He is not one, he is many. To be the many is to be in a non-meditative state; not to be the many and to be just one, is to be in meditation. And when there is really only one, when even one is no longer there.... In the East we have called it the state of non-duality, not the state of oneness. We had to invent this word 'non-duality' to describe, to indicate, that it is not dual, that's all. Two is no longer there, many have disappeared, and of course with the many, one also disappears.
The one can exist only amongst the many.
Man is ordinarily a crowd, a mob. Man is ordinarily not a self because he has no integration. He is all fragments, he is not together, he is not one piece.
Meditation is to be one piece, aud when you are one piece you are in peace.
First this harmony has to be achieved inside and then it has to be achieved outside too.
First a man has to become a harmony and there has to start pulsating with the greater harmony of the existence.
So there are two steps in meditation. The first step is not to be in conflict within yourself, not to allow any warring to continue any longer within yourself -- mind fighting with the body, reason fighting with feeling, feeling fighting with sexuality. A continuous fight is going on -- have you not observed it? There is a continuous war; without any gap it continues.
Of course, you cannot be happy. Unless these warring elements within you embrace each other, stop warring, fall in love with each other, or dissolve into each other, there is no possibility of happiness. Then happiness remains just a hope. Happiness is a shadow of harmony, it follows harmony. There is no other was to be happy. Unless you are the harmony, you can strive and strive and you will get more and more frustrated and you will get more and more into misery. Just as a shadow follows you, so happiness follows when you are in a harmonious totality.
The first step happens within you -- and when you have become one pulsation with no division, one wave of energy with no antagonizing, with no lower and no higher, with no choice, with no evaluation, with no judgement, when you are simply one, then happens the second step. When you are one you can see the one -- only then can the one be seen.
The eyes are clear then you have the clarity. When you are one you can immediately see the one around you. Now you know the language of the one. The language of the many has disappeared -- that noise is no more, that madhouse is no more, that nightmare is finished. You are silent. In this silence you can immediately dissolve into existence; now you can fall in tune with the pulse of the universe itself. That is the second step of meditation.
The first is difficult, the second is not difficult. The first needs effort, great effort; the second is very simple, comes almost automatically. The first is like a blind man being operated upon so that he can have eyes. The second is after the operation is over: the eyes are there and the blind man opens his eyes and he can see the light and the world of light and the millions of joys around him of colour, of light, of beauty, of form.
The first needs effort, the second comes effortlessly. The first is more like yoga, the second is more like Zen -- or, to come to a more modern parallel, the first is more like Gurdjieff and the second is more like Krishnamurti. That's why I say Zen is the pinnacle.
Zen is the last word. Yoga is the beginning of the journey, Zen is the end.