Osho English Books : Series - F

Osho English Books :
 Series - F

  • The First Principle :


Osho introduces these discourses on Zen stories by explaining what the first principle is: that which cannot be said. But it can be shown and experienced as Osho demonstrates in talking on the often bizarre, always maddeningly simple anecdotes about interchanges between Zen masters and their disciples. He also talks on intellect and reason in the seeker's life, spiritual greed and the real meaning of the Zen dictum to "kill" one's master. Somehow Osho takes the enigmatic quality of Zen and shows us its pragmatic truth, without robbing it of its inherent magic, charm or humor.

  • The Fish In The Sea Is Not Thirsty :


Commenting on the haunting songs of Kabir, Osho takes the reader to the very core of the human dilemma, to the simple cause of misery and unhappiness - man's illusion that he is separate from existence, his inability to comprehend why the fish in the sea is not thirsty. He also talks on emotions and being detached from them, aloneness and love, imitation, children and religion, rebellion, living in a balanced way, sex, the generation gap, and more.

  • From Bondage To Freedom :


A deeply moving account of a rare and provocative experiment in human growth, these are Osho's last discourses given in the US. While most of his disciples are experiencing the fruition of their efforts to manifest a living community based on Osho's vision, the attempt of a small, power-motivated group's secret attempts to take control of the commune, and to poison Osho and his doctor is revealed as they flee the country. Through it all, Osho answers the questions of disciples and friends devastated and confused by the wanton disregard of his teachings by these few corrupted people. His answers expose the truth with uncompromising compassion as he talks on fascism, power games and individual responsibility. As always Osho indicates how absolutely everything can be used by the seeker to wake up and be more aware.
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  • From Darkness To Light :


Education, according to Osho, is drawing out the hidden potential of the individual, to help each person bring his own uniqueness from the darkness into the light. In these talks he examines ways in which the institutions of society have systematically done the opposite in their attempts to impose socially-acceptable norms of behavior on everyone - from the cradle to the grave both in public and private life.

  • From Death To Deathlessness :

Sensing the storm about to descend on his American commune, Osho responds to residents' and visitors' questions. The topics cover the whole spectrum of human concern - poverty, AIDS, education, politics, creativity, existentialism, psychology, nuclear war, power, relationships, money... Osho answers each with respect and compassion, always going beyond the surface of the rational mind to the deeper waters, the very source.
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  • From Ignorance To Innocense :


In this series of talks Osho exposes our conditioned "religious" beliefs as a means of challenging us to experience life and its inherent religiousness from a fresh perspective, with our own individual eyes.

Most of us have quoted the Bible, been quoted at from the Bible, sworn on the Bible and doubted the Bible – but how many of us have really questioned its basic premise, that God exists? How much of what we have accepted as our religion is related to our own experiences and has any relevance to our day-to-day lives? 

Looking for answers, we find our minds so full of ideas instilled from birth – sin and guilt, reward and punishment, this world and the other, somebody out there bigger than us whom we should obey.

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  • From Misery To Enlightenment :


"It is absolutely up to you if you want to be blissful. Let the whole world remain in misery, you start being blissful. At least the part of the world that you are, you can change." - Osho, flaptext.

With complete clarity, and using examples, anecdotes and quotations which amaze the reader with their range, Osho expresses his vision for humanity: to expose every "so-called" religion and to create Man all over again out of his own depth of being. From Misery to Enlightenment provokes energy, optimism and enthusiasm for life and its gifts. It is not a ′holy′ book, nor is it a confession of faith. It is a lively, readable account which allows a deep understanding of the vast scope of Osho′s work, which is directed towards helping us understand who we are, and which is rooted in the practical everyday living world we all know and recognize. 
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From Personality To Individuality :


"Osho, What place has mysticism in your religion?"
"My religion is pure mysticism, there is nothing else in it. Other religions have no place for mysticism in them: they cannot have, for the simple reason that they have answers for every question - bogus answers with no evidence, with no argument. But they are consoling for the gullible humanity; they demystify existence. All knowledge demystifies existence.
It is fortunate that man is born with a question mark, otherwise he would be just another species of animal. Buffaloes have no questions; they accept whatever is, unquestioningly - they are really faithful, religious."
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From Unconsciousness To Consciousness :

Osho's first words spoken after a period of three and a half years of silence herald a completely new dimension to his work. It is as if he has drawn a sword and slices through the deceit of history. Man, his politics and so-called religions all come under the scalpel of Osho's master surgery. Responding to questions solely from his disciples, Osho exposes the psychology of all creeds based on the idea of "following" and takes apart the whole question of belief in God. He also answers questions such as whether he considers himself to be a messiah, and lambastes the attitude of traditional holy men towards women. He lets us in on his understanding of the political mind-set; how he feels about communism, why his sannyasins lead such a rich life and whether they are brainwashed or hypnotized, and much, much more.
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From The False To The Truth :


Discourses to make the White House and the Vatican tremble. Powerful, convincing and exposingly hilarious, Osho confronts the religious leaders and government officials who eventually destroyed the commune in America.
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Osho English Books : Series - E

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