Osho English Books - Series : I



  • I AM THAT :


Talks on the Isha Upanishad.

Osho goes into the depths of these eternal questions while speaking on the sutras of the Isha Upanishad – the most ancient words of wisdom available to mankind. 

Osho himself says that he is neither a prophet nor a philosopher; he is simply sharing his own experience. The Sunday Times of London described him as “one of the 1000 makers of the 20th century” and American author Tom Robbins has called him “the most dangerous man since Jesus Christ” – both comments reflecting the profound influence of his revolutionary approach to the science of inner transformation. 
Spoken with authority, clarity, sharpness and humor, his insights address both the timeless and timely concerns that tend to escape our notice in the clamor and overload of daily life. 
Osho is an Indian mystic, guru and philosopher. He has spoken on major spiritual traditions including Jainism, Hinduism, Hassidism, Tantrism, Christianity, Buddhism, on a variety of Eastern and Western mystics and on sacred scriptures such as the Upanishads.



Here are eight talks to push you over the edge of the intellect into the mysterious, the esoteric, the transcendental – and the profoundly practical. "So when you ask, 'Who are you?' I say, 'I am consciousness.' And this answer is all-inclusive: everything is consciousness. I answer only as a representative of all. You may not yet have heard that you are consciousness, you may not have come to know that you are consciousness, but I am answering even for you. Consciousness exists." Osho
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  • I Celebrate Myself :


"I celebrate myself, and I want you also to celebrate yourself," says Osho, echoing the American poet, Walt Whitman. In this powerful series Osho destroys all misconceptions of a divided universe; creator and created, believer and belief, theist and atheist: "The idea of God is an imprisonment, and only when one is free from this prison can one know what it is to live in a celebrative way."

  • I Say Unto You, Vol - 1 :


Casting aside age-old preconceptions, Osho reveals the real magic and miracles of Jesus. He tells the same stories, the same parables, but with a freshness and liveliness showing us their deeper meaning, their timeless relevance. For the first time we really feel the laughter, the passion, the silence and celebration of Jesus Christ.

  • I Say Unto You vol-2 :


Osho talks on the beauty and wisdom of Jesus' sayings, and responds to questions about Catholicism, Jesus' relationship with Mary Magdalena, sin and punishment, hedonism, the desire to serve, the difference between mind and ego and more.

  • The Invitation :


An invitation and introduction to Osho's vision. Lacing his talks with jokes and personal anecdotes, Osho shows how the problems of everyday life can be used as tools for transformation. He also speaks on the connection between the master and his disciples, describing the role of the master as simply an invitation to return home - to ourselves.

  • Isan : No Footprints In The Blue sky :


Our eyes are clouded with words, our minds full of doctrines and ideologies - our whole upbringing and education focused on how to leave the biggest footprints, how to leave our mark. Osho lures the inimitable Zen master Isan out of the obscurity of thirteen hundred years and illuminates his teaching: "To cut all this rubbish like a sword, in a single blow, without hesitation, and the whole sky is yours, the whole expanse of the universe is yours."

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