Osho English Books series O

Osho English Books 
Series O

🔘Om Mani Padme Hum :

This series of talks based on Osho's responses to seekers revolves around the theme of division - man's separation from his environment, his fellow-man and from himself. Having pinpointed the problem, Osho offers his solution - the whole man, an individual in whom East and West, the material and the spiritual, the male and the female, meet and harmonize.
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🔘Om Shantih Shantih Shantih :

The mantra that begins and ends all Eastern scriptures, OM, represents the universal heartbeat. And shantih, the peace or silence that envelops those who fall in tune with that heartbeat. In this volume Osho opens new windows on timeless topics: the origins of compassion, freedom as the ultimate value, surrendering to love and not to the object of one's love, and transcending transcendence itself.
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🔘One Seed Makes The Whole Earth Green :

In Osho's understanding Zen is the only true religion, the only approach to religion which has not put fetters on mankind. He sees in Zen a seed, pregnant with infinite potential. Interspersed with his comments on anecdotes about the Zen masters Rinzai and Fuketsu, Osho addresses current issues in the world news. With characteristic forthrightness he shows the split in what society preaches and how it lives. This exquisitely designed volume of discourses also features commentaries on haikus and a great selection of jokes.

🔘The Original Man :

What's so original about the original man? Only that on finding him within yourself, according to Osho you find everything worth discovering. But he exhorts his audience not to take his word for it but experience it for themselves. Osho traces Zen from its beginnings with Bodhidarma in China through a succession of masters and poets. Seemingly absurd Zen statements and devices are all shown as techniques used in specific situations with different types of seekers to jolt them out of spiritual sleep. These discourses based on anecdotes about masters and their disciples aren't about Zen, they are it.

🔘The Osho Upnished:

This book opens with the question: Could you please explain the work of a mystery school? And Osho answers: `My beloved ones...' and goes on to describe the workings of the timeless mystery schools the world over and the support they give to the seekers of truth. What is mysticism? What is fear? What is freedom? These questions and more are answered with the clarity of an enlightened mystic. From Buddha to Rinzai, from Krishnamurti to Marx, from Gandhi to Bodhidharma, Nietzsche, Jesus, Gurdjieff and Zarathustra... all become grist to Osho's mill, bringing the reader to the point of awareness where all questions begin to disappear.

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