Osho English Books Series R

Osho English Books 
Series R

🔘The Razor's Edge :

 This book tells a true story. A story of great love and immense trust between disciples and their master as they move together along a golden path which is both dangerous and ecstatic. This path is the razor's edge.

🔘The Rebel :

Often described as a rebel, an iconoclast, an enlightened mystic and an intellectual giant, Osho was all this and more. He brought about a spiritual revolution in the lives of those who cared to grow intellectually. He spoke fearlessly against orthodox religions, priests, politicians, age-old traditions and anything he thought was a hindrance to the path of self realisation. This made him the most talked about and controversial mystic of the twentieth century. Osho: The Luminous Rebel traces the story of Osho from his birth, talking about his spiritual search for truth and the wondrous story of his enlightenment. The book also takes the reader through those years of Oshos struggle with authority figures, his travels all over India, to the much-hyped city of Rajneeshpuram in the US, to one of the greatest mysteries of our times. Osho believes that he was poisoned by the US government when he was detained in various jails there; he was later denied visas in almost all countries across the world, events, he reveals, that exposed the true face of democracy. Osho: The Luminous Rebelis for all Osho lovers and admirers, for the uninitiated but spiritually inclined, and for those who are just curious to know more.

🔘The Rebellious Spirit:

Central to Osho's vision of the new man is what he calls "the rebellious spirit." These discourses offer a glimpse into what he means by this way of life, and how he is working with his disciples to bring it about. This book is the very expression of the rebellious spirit - vibrant, urgent and courageous.

🔘Returning To The Source :

Zen is an experience, not a dogma, and an experience which transcends the confines of the rational mind, moving into the super-rational arena of our consciousness. Through words, Osho creates a sense of existential silence from which all words manifest. At the same time, he shines the light of understanding on many inner barriers to growth and self-realization.

🔘The Revolution :

Osho brings alive the words of the Indian mystic Kabir with this fiery treatise on the only real revolution that matters – enlightenment. With love, insight and compassion, Osho delves deeply into the essential difference between a rebel and a revolutionary. The sham of the orthodox, conventional and traditional approaches to religion and spirituality are exposed by Osho’s penetrating clarity. In Osho’s hands, Kabir’s approach will give you a glimpse into what kind of religiousness is possible in the future.

🔘Rinzai : Master of The Irrational :

Rinzai, who brought Zen from China to Japan, is truly a master of the irrational - a Zen master who sticks his tongue out at one disciple and who created the shout as a device to shock the mind. Osho continually reminds us that it is only a question of time, that everyone is going to become a buddha. He encourages the reader not to believe, but to experience - to have the trust that "if so many people can become enlightened, there is no reason why I cannot." In this small volume he also comments on the timeless paintings-in-words of the famous haiku writer, Ikkyu.

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