Osho English Books : Series - Y

1. YAA-HOO ! The Mystic Rose :

At his iconoclastic best and in the presence of journalists from the German magazine, Bunte, Osho overturns the apple-cart of decorum, making fun of the Nazi regime under Hitler and recounting some of his most outrageous jokes. Osho also creates one of his most powerful meditations, the Mystic Rose Meditation. This question-and-answer series is an existential illustration of a contemporary Zen master at work. An additional section of inspiring photographs and touchingly intimate interviews make this lovingly designed book quite simply irresistible.

2. Yakusan : Straight to the Point of Enlightenment:

A collection of five discourses given just a year before Osho left his body, this book begins with a challenge to Rajiv Gandhi to either act on his idealistic political speeches or spare us the torture of them. It contains much for those trying to "be in the world and not of it."

3. Yoga: The Alpha And The Omega,  Vol - 1 :

Osho is saying that all the techniques of Yoga have really one focus: how to use the mind. Rightly used it becomes no-mind and you are absolutely silent; wrongly, it becomes so divided you go insane. Through the sutras of Patanjali, Osho leads the reader step by step toward an understanding of the mind - that it is not something different from the body, and how to use it as an instrument.

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4. Yoga : The Alpha and The Omega Vol-2 :

Osho says, "Patanjali is our future, 5000 years old." And when he comments on Patanjali's sutras - about the two kinds of samadhi, succeeding through total effort and surrender, meditating on the AUM mantra, disease and anguish, breath and inner light, we see the true significance of Patanjali to the here and now.

5. Yoga : The Alpha And The Omega Vol-3 :

Osho brings a juiciness to the aridity of Patanjali's language, turning it into a fascinating garden of exploration. Patanjali says, "When the activity of the mind is under control..." Osho says, "The mind is a process...doesn't exist, only thoughts, thoughts moving so fast that you think and feel that something exists there in continuity. One thought comes, another thought comes another, and they go on and on. The gap between them is so small that you cannot see the gap between one thought and another. So two thoughts become joined, they become a continuity. Because of that continuity you think there is a mind." Osho brings a simple but intriguing view to these sutras about knowledge and reasoning, samadhi, samadhi with and without contemplation, subtle objects of meditation and subtle energies. He has the knack of removing the dust and tarnish of the passage of time to make these sutras irresistible and vital reading.

6.Yoga : The Alpha And The Omega Vol-4 :

Osho dissects the causes of misery - our clinging to life and fear of death, egoism, attraction and repulsion...our lack of awareness. At the outset he puts the situation straight, that the austerity Patanjali is talking about has nothing to do with torturing the body: "Life is more if you are sensitive; life is less if you are less sensitive." Osho as always has the vision and understanding to bring everything, even the seemingly most complex to its simplest essence: "To me life in its totality is good. And when you understand life in its totality, only then can you celebrate... Celebration is my attitude, unconditional to what life brings."

7.Yoga : The Alpha And The Omega Vol-5 :

Osho presents the eight steps of Yoga: self-restraint, fixed observation, posture, breath regulation, abstraction, concentration, contemplation and trance. With his rare understanding and compassion, he speaks on what meditative techniques are best for different types of people. There is no right or wrong, he says, but only the individual and his choice of what works best.

8.Yoga : The Alpha And The Omega Vol-6 :

Osho discusses modern scientific research on four states of consciousness as reflected in brain wave activity (alpha, beta, theta and delta) and continues to expand on the significance of the "eight steps" of Yoga. "Patanjali's whole art is of how to attain to the state where you can die willingly, with no resistance," he says. And these precious sutras are a preparation - a preparation to die and a preparation to a greater life, and you can use this book and Patanjali's methodology to touch these very depths.

9.Yoga : The Alpha And The Omega Vol-7 :

Osho shows how three methods - concentration, uninterrupted flow of consciousness and oneness - bring about an inner balance when subject and object disappear. He defines Yoga as an attitude toward life not concerned with metaphysics but with questions close to the seeker's heart.

10.Yoga : The Alpha And The Omega Vol-8 :

Osho introduces Patanjali's sutras as scientific methods to commit suicide - that is, real suicide, the death of the ego as a pretender. He describes subtle obstacles that can arise when going within and encourages the reader to understand that these are only tricks, sabotage - that the only way to reach the goal is to search deeply within.

11.Yoga : The Alpha And The Omega Vol-9:

Osho speaks of Patanjali's system of preparation for enlightenment as empirical, a tool to work with. He talks on mastery over the five bodies of the human personality - the food body, energy body, mental body, intuitive body and the bliss body; and speaks about Pantajali's view of cognition, non-attachment, and liberation.

12.Yoga : The Alpha And The Omega Vol-10:

Osho talks at length about the mind and how it functions. He speaks of desirelessness, enlightenment and pure consciousness. But what is the art of liberation? "Nothing but the art of de-hypnosis," says Osho, " - how to drop this state of mind; how to become unconditioned; how to look at reality without any idea creating a barrier between you and the real; how to simply see without any desires in the eyes; how simply to be without any motivation. That's all yoga is about. Then suddenly that which is inside you, and has always been inside you from the very beginning, is revealed."

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