“ Samadhi means being the truth: where the knower and the known become one, where the experienced and the experiencer are one. 
It is no more a question of an open, unclouded day, it is no more a question of the sunlit peaks rising high in the sky. You are it! — not even the distance of a single inch……”

“ Enlightenment is the dewdrop slipping from the lotus leaf into the vast, infinite ocean.
 Once the dewdrop has fallen into the ocean, now there is no way even to find it. The question of turning back does not arise.
Enlightenment, hence, is the ultimate truth. 
What begins as flowering moves on the path of awakening, reaches to self-realization. 
Then one quantum leap more—disappearing into the eternal, into the infinite.

You are no more, only existence is. “

The Hidden Splendor,Chapter 16

"There is a difference between satori and Samadhi.
Satori means only a glimpse, a faraway glimpse. Satori is a Japanese word, very beautiful, untranslatable, but it can be described.
 It is like on an open day when there are no clouds you can see in the sun the Himalayan peaks, the virgin snow on the peaks shining like silver or gold, from thousands of miles away. You are seeing the truth, but the distance between you and the truth is there — you are not it. 
This is satori. Seeing the truth but not being it is satori.
Then there is the Sanskrit word Samadhi which is also untranslatable. 
Samadhi means being the truth: where the knower and the known become one, where the experienced and the experiencer are one. 
It is no more a question of an open, unclouded day, it is no more a question of the sunlit peaks rising high in the sky. You are it! — not even the distance of a single inch.
Chuang Tzu says: Even the distance of a hair is enough, and heaven and earth fall apart. Just the distance of a hair — not much at all, almost negligible — but it is enough to separate earth from heaven. 
When even that much difference is not there, one is enlightened."

 Theologia Mystica, Chapter #15 - 25 August 1980 am in Buddha Hall

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